Donate - Chatsworth House Trust

Your Support
Makes A Difference

Join us and become part of this inspiring chapter in the Cascade's history.

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By giving a donation today, your support will have a positive impact on many thousands of visitors for years to come.

Your gift will help us reach our goal of raising £250,000 from our visitors and Friends. This vital support will help to secure nearly £5 million from the National Lottery Heritage Fund.

Every donation, no matter how large or small will be received with gratitude. Thank you.

Support The Cascade Today

Together we can turn it back on

With your support we can bring the Cascade back to life. Together we can turn it back on.

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A Piece Of Cascade

Sponsor A Stone

The Cascade has 23 steps - and within each step there are over 100 individual stones. We are inviting supporters to sponsor a stone for themselves, their family or a friend.

As a thank you, donors will receive a range of benefits and a named certificate which will identify the location of the specific stone(s) they have sponsored.

Please note, as the Cascade is a Grade I listed monument, we need to advise donors that it is not possible to have names engraved on the stones.

Sponsor a stone
Sponsor A Stone
Heritage Fund
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