Thank you very much for considering sponsoring a stone for the ‘Celebrating the Cascade’ restoration project. Your donation will help Chatsworth House Trust to restore the Cascade, a Grade 1 listed monument in the Garden at Chatsworth House, Derbyshire. The Cascade is one of the most important water features in the UK which will endure in the Chatsworth landscape for, we trust, generations.

  1. Donations of £100 or more will be acknowledged with a digital certificate noting the location of the stone sponsored on a specific step. Hard copy certificates will be available on request with an additional payment to cover postage and packing.
  2. Donors of £100 or more will be asked if they would like to remain anonymous or to have their name listed onsite at Chatsworth on a display board listing donors (for the duration of the campaign) and on a section of the Cascade website with a digital record of names allocated to sponsored stones.
  3. As donors will be listed in the public domain, we can only list names of individuals or families. We reserve the right not to include or to remove names if deemed inappropriate. In such cases Chatsworth House Trust has no obligation to cite a reason and the donation may be returned.
  4. At the end of the campaign, the names of donors of £100 or more (who have not requested to be anonymous) will be recorded in a Cascade Donor Honour Roll which will be kept in the Devonshire Archives at Chatsworth as a permanent record of the generosity of our donors.
  5. As the Cascade is a Grade I listed monument, we must point out that it is not possible for donor names to be inscribed on the actual stones. The placing of flowers or other objects in or by the Cascade is not permitted.
  6. The placing of any form of plaque in or by the Cascade is not permitted.
  7. As a donor, you are joining our 2024/25 ‘Celebrating the Cascade’ restoration campaign aiming for completion in 2027/28.
  8. The sponsorship of a stone does not give the donor ownership of the stone (or any other rights over the stone) which remains vested with Chatsworth House Trust or their successors in title.
  9. Chatsworth House Trust will take reasonable steps to ensure the maintenance of the stones in the Cascade and its long term preservation.
  10. The nature of the Cascade as an historic monument means that sponsorship cannot be in perpetuity. Your sponsorship of a stone will remain for a minimum term of 25 years from the date of the donation. By sponsoring a stone you are making a donation to Chatsworth House Trust.
  11. Ongoing maintenance in the future means that stones may need to be replaced and future fundraising campaigns may need to be undertaken by Chatsworth House Trust for the maintenance and preservation of the Cascade.
  12. The dates of the early evening reception (for donors of £250+), the opening celebration and ‘the Children’s Big Splash!’ will be publicised well in advance. If a supporter is successful in one of the draws but is not able to attend, we regret that it will not be possible to offer an alternative date due to the scale of these events.
  13. Please note that normal admission charges will apply when visiting the Garden to view the Cascade.